Monday, October 4, 2010

The Temperature Makes The Difference

It was 39 degrees when I got in my car this morning. THIRTY.... NINE .....DEGREES!
That, alone, made me smile. It is time for flannel sheets. I have beans cooking on low and plan to whip up some cornbread. Oh how excited I am that fall is here. Listen for the sounds of leaves crunching beneath your feet. This is only this time of year when you can make a pile of them and jump in it with your babies!
Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Justabeachkat said...

39? Yikes. It was 52 when I rode my bike to tennis this morning.!


Please Remember -

As with all jewelry, please remember to keep these out of the reach of little hands. They do contain glass and can break. Also, beads can be a choking hazard. Always take care to ensure safety for your child. Also, remember they are not waterproof, so please remove before bathing. Thanks.


Since every piece is custom , if you email me with an inquiry I am happy to estimate your heirloom for you. Thank you.