Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Looking For Energy in 2012??

I started spark a week ago and the difference in my energy level is AMAZING!!! No more Diet Coke for me!

Check it out here: It will be the best money you spend if you are trying to feel motivated!!!

I have three flavors and pink lemon aid is my fav!! Be sure to check it out. I liked it so much I am now a distributor. Let me know if you want to try it!

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Please Remember -

As with all jewelry, please remember to keep these out of the reach of little hands. They do contain glass and can break. Also, beads can be a choking hazard. Always take care to ensure safety for your child. Also, remember they are not waterproof, so please remove before bathing. Thanks.


Since every piece is custom , if you email me with an inquiry I am happy to estimate your heirloom for you. Thank you.